Hello September!

Hello September!

We started the month with a visit to Montjuic (Barcelona) and the National Museum of Barcelona (MNAC) with @agnesguillemot as model and @mariafrnandez as photographer. We release the new model of Signature Collection: Lucky Vandals. In addition, Agnes also wears two more of this same Signature Collection: Demon and Wolf.

How did you start your September?


americansocks girl boy barcelona calcetines montjuic luckyvandals colors september

americansocks girl boy barcelona calcetines montjuic luckyvandals colors september

americansocks girl boy barcelona calcetines montjuic luckyvandals colors september

americansocks girl boy barcelona calcetines montjuic luckyvandals colors september

americansocks girl boy barcelona calcetines montjuic luckyvandals colors september

americansocks girl boy barcelona calcetines montjuic luckyvandals colors september

americansocks girl boy barcelona calcetines montjuic luckyvandals colors september

americansocks girl boy barcelona calcetines montjuic luckyvandals colors september