
Wie trägt man American Socks?🤔 Teil 2!
Wir wissen, dass du es kaum erwarten konntest, aber keine Sorge, wir sind zurück, um dir die besten Tipps für Socken zu geben. Wir haben zuvor über Längen und die...

Wir wissen, dass du es kaum erwarten konntest, aber keine Sorge, wir sind zurück, um dir die besten Tipps für Socken zu geben. Wir haben zuvor über Längen und die Kraft des Tragens von Sandalen mit Socken gesprochen, und wenn du es nicht gelesen hast, weiß ich nicht, was zum Teufel du gemacht hast.... (Komm schon, hier ist es.) Heute sprechen wir über den besten Teil des Sockentragens, nämlich die Möglichkeit, ein bisschen wild mit ihnen zu sein. Versteh mich nicht falsch, es ist vielleicht ein wenig seltsam, zu deinem 9 bis 6 Job ein Astronautenkostüm zu tragen, aber niemand wird dir etwas sagen, wenn du Socken im Weltraumstil trägst... Also geht es heute alles um Designs

Die Klassiker: Schwarz, Weiß und Farben

Es gibt viele Gelegenheiten, bei denen es besser ist, es einfach zu halten, aber das sollte kein Problem sein, um sich schick zu kleiden. Allerdings bedeutet Einfachheit nicht, einfache Socken zu tragen oder deinen Stil zu verlieren. Du kannst schwarz oder weiß mit schwarzen oder weißen Streifen tragen, um es elegant zu machen, vielleicht auch farbige Streifen, wenn du ein wenig verspielter sein möchtest, oder sogar ein minimalistisches Feinliniendesign, um ein wenig abweichend zu sein.

Mischung aus Mid High American Socks

Aber Schwarz und Weiß sind nicht die einzigen Farbtöne im Farbspektrum, und vielleicht ist es schön, deinen Tagen und Outfits einen Hauch von Farbe hinzuzufügen. Diese Art von Socken ist perfekt für Gelegenheiten, bei denen du keine übertriebenen Muster oder Designs tragen möchtest, aber auch nicht zu einfach sein möchtest. Du kannst sie verwenden, um deinen Look zu ergänzen, indem du den Farbton deines Outfits aufgreifst oder ihm sogar einen überraschenden Farbtupfer verleihst.

Mischung aus farbigen Mid High American Socks

Signature Collection und die verrückten Muster

Wie ich dir zuvor gesagt habe, sind Socken für viele Menschen das Kleidungsstück, das ihnen erlaubt, ihren Outfits einen lässigeren und verrückteren Ton zu verleihen. Du weißt schon, geh hart ran oder bleib zu Hause. Diese Art von Socken sind perfekt für Menschen, die sich normalerweise etwas schlichter kleiden, aber auch für diejenigen, die sich von Kopf bis Fuß originell kleiden. Das Beste daran ist, dass du so viele Designs und Farbvarianten finden kannst, wie du dir vorstellen kannst. Egal, was dein Stil ist, deine Vorlieben oder die Absicht deines Outfits, ich bin sicher, dass du das perfekte Paar für dich und für jeden Anlass finden wirst.

Mischung aus Signature American Socks

Das war's für heute, bleiben Sie dran für Teil 3, wenn Sie ein echter Socker sein und sich cool anziehen wollen! 🤙🏼

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Accessoires machen den Unterschied👑 Und hier bei American Socks sind wir die Experten! FAKE LOVE SPORT SHORTS Sportlich sein, aber den eigenen Stil nicht verlieren! American Socks begleitet dich auf...

Accessoires machen den Unterschied👑 Und hier bei American Socks sind wir die Experten!


Sportlich sein, aber den eigenen Stil nicht verlieren! American Socks begleitet dich auf jedem Schritt.🌹🗡

Frau trägt American Socks Hotpants.


Wenn du ein großer Clint Eastwood-Fan bist und verlassene Sommerstrandnachmittage genießt, solltest du unser neues Western Bandana ausprobieren.🏜 (Bitte, wir meinen es ernst, schütze dich vor der Sonne.)

Mann trägt American Socks Bandana


Selbst gebrochene Herzen können dich nicht davon abhalten, stilvoll zu sein. Zeige, was du wert bist - und was ihnen entgeht - mit diesem coolen Bandana.😎

Frau trägt American Socks Bandana


Wir sind sicher, dass du auch ein Aufkleber-Fanatiker bist! In diesem Jahr spielen wir das Spiel mit und bieten drei verschiedene Aufklebersätze an. Du kannst dich für die Klassiker entscheiden, dich in der Nostalgie der 90er Jahre und ihrer Cartoons mit diesem Satz erfreuen oder deine rebellische Seite mit dem Trash Aufklebersatz zeigen.

American Socks' Aufklebersätze


Die ultimative Stil-Aussage ist eine Anstecknadel und du weißt es. Gehe einen Schritt weiter, indem du eine von American Socks zu deinem Outfit hinzufügst. Du wirst es nicht bereuen.😉

American Socks Pin Pack

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Jetzt, da das gute Wetter da ist🍃... Ist es Zeit, die Jacke auszuziehen und die neue American Socks Clothing Collection SS23 zu präsentieren! 🌺🌞 PUNKS NOT DEAD🤟 Punk ist nicht...

Jetzt, da das gute Wetter da ist🍃... Ist es Zeit, die Jacke auszuziehen und die neue American Socks Clothing Collection SS23 zu präsentieren! 🌺🌞


Punk ist nicht tot, weil wir hier sind!😎 Rocke die Straße mit dem wildesten Design und lass alle wissen, wie rebellisch du bist.

Punks not Dead American Socks T-Shirt


Liebe Pizza oder stirb. Nichts mehr hinzuzufügen.🗡

Love pizza or die American Socks T-Shirt


Unsere Leidenschaft für Schädel war noch nie ein Geheimnis🙊 Zeige deine Leidenschaft für American Socks mit diesem neuen Design!

Frau, die ein Dogtown-T-Shirt von American Socks trägt


Unser Favorit der Saison✨ Schnapp dir dein Skateboard und dieses T-Shirt und mach es dir gemütlich!🏄🏾‍♀️

Mann, der ein American Socks T-Shirt trägt


Bring Schwung in dieses NEUE Sommer-Shirt! Lass den Rhythmus des Sommers in deine Knochen kommen😎🕺🏻 Du kannst es in unserem offiziellen Geschäft finden.😉

Mann, der das neue Shirt von American Socks trägt

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Wie trägt man American Socks? 🤔 Teil 1! 🔥
Wer könnte einen Blog darüber benötigen, wie man Socken trägt? Nun, wir wissen, dass sie wie ein einfaches Kleidungsstück aussehen könnten... Aber wir können Ihnen versichern, dass es weit davon...

Wer könnte einen Blog darüber benötigen, wie man Socken trägt? Nun, wir wissen, dass sie wie ein einfaches Kleidungsstück aussehen könnten... Aber wir können Ihnen versichern, dass es weit davon entfernt ist. Außerdem sind wir es leid, Menschen dabei zuzusehen, wie sie sie falsch tragen. 😩 Deshalb haben wir beschlossen, einen Beitrag für euch alle zu erstellen, um das Beste aus euren Socken herauszuholen. Bereit für Teil eins, Sockenliebhaber? 🆙


Zunächst einmal musst du die richtige Länge für dich auswählen, und wir werden dich nicht täuschen, es gibt eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten. Dies hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, wie z.B. der Aktivität, für die du die Socken verwenden möchtest, dem Wetter oder einfach deinem persönlichen Geschmack. Das supercoole Team von American Socks hat eine Übersicht erstellt, damit du deine Entscheidung nicht wieder bereust. 👍🏼

• Ankle High

Du gehst auf das Wesentliche, das ist in Ordnung. Knöchelhoch ist die perfekte Sockenlänge, wenn du nicht möchtest, dass die Socken das Hauptmerkmal deines Outfits sind. Manchmal müssen wir aus beruflichen Gründen oder aus persönlichen Vorlieben diskretere Socken tragen, aber das sollte kein Grund sein, darauf zu verzichten, deine Füße warm und vor Kratzern und Blasen geschützt zu halten. Sie können auch eine gute Option für heiße Tage sein, wie du weißt, je weniger Stoff, desto weniger Hitze. Und hey, sie sehen sehr niedlich aus, ich persönlich mag sie sehr. Aber bitte vermeide zu kurze Socken. Die sind doof.

American Socks Knöchelhoch

• Mid High

Du weißt, dass wir dafür bekannt sind, oder? 😏 Diese Socken sind das Paradies, glaub mir. Du kannst sie zu praktisch jedem Anlass tragen, weil sie der Hammer sind. Diese fantastischen Socken sind perfekt, um deinem Outfit das gewisse Etwas zu verleihen. Wir haben eine Vielzahl von Designs und Farben zur Auswahl, damit sie zu deiner Farbpalette passen - oder auch nicht. Sie eignen sich auch hervorragend für Sportarten mit hoher Belastung wie Skateboarding oder BMX. Der Stoff, der über die Wade geht, schützt vor vielen fatalen Schlägen. Obwohl wir für den Sport dringend unsere Signature-Linie empfehlen, aber darüber sprechen wir später noch.

American Socks Mittelhoch

Knee High

Jetzt wird es interessant! Diese Socken sind das BESTE, wenn du dein Outfit noch mehr aufpeppen möchtest. Socken bis zum Knie? Eindeutig JA, aber nur für die Mutigen. 😎 Sie sind auch eine gute Wahl für kalte Tage oder für diejenigen, die sehr hohe Stiefel tragen. Es ist unangenehm, wenn du spürst, wie das Leder an deiner Haut reibt, während du gehst. Wir haben sie in einer Vielzahl von Farben, damit du diejenige auswählen kannst, die am besten zu deinen Bedürfnissen passt.

American Socks Kniehoch

Ultra High

Wenn du sie trägst, dann bist du das Ultimative. Sie sind funky, aber ein Muss, um dein Outfit ganz nach oben zu bringen. Probiere sie mit Röcken oder Shorts aus und du wirst dich wunderschön fühlen. Sie sind auch sehr warm und passen super gut und eng an den Oberschenkeln.💗

American Socks Ultra High Length


Okay, wir wissen, dass wir uns auf schwierigem Terrain bewegen, so wie wenn sie fragen, was besser ist: Adidas oder Nike, ob man zuerst Milch oder Müsli in die Schüssel gibt oder ob die Pizza Ananas enthalten sollte oder nicht - obwohl absolut nicht -. Aber Mann, es ist an der Zeit, das Stigma von Sandalen mit Socken abzulegen.

Bei American Socks arbeiten wir sehr hart, nicht nur um die bequemsten und langlebigsten Socken zu haben, sondern auch um die coolsten Designs zu haben. Und wie zeigt man ein cooles Muster am besten? Richtig, mit einem offenen Schuh wie... ja, einer Sandale. Wir sagen nicht, dass du Socken mit den verschimmelten Flip-Flops aus dem Pool tragen solltest, die du seit der Grundschule nicht mehr gewechselt hast, aber es gibt viele coole Kombinationen, die du mit solchen Schuhen machen kannst. Du kannst es mit diesen bequem und schick ausprobieren oder eine alternative Stimmung mit diesen anderen. Was auch immer es ist, es gibt eine Million Möglichkeiten, du musst nur ins kalte Wasser springen und diejenige wählen, die dir am besten gefällt. Oder sagst du mir etwa, dass sie nicht supercool aussehen?

Mädchen, das American Socks mit Sandalen trägt

Das war's! Aber bleib dran, denn es kommen noch weitere Teile... Wenn du wissen möchtest, wie man American Socks trägt, bist du hier richtig. :)

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Du wirst nicht glauben, womit wir es zu tun haben... Halte dich fest, denn wir haben Neuigkeiten! 🤭 Längere Tage, wärmeres Wetter, American Socks bei den besten Festivals in Europa......
Du wirst nicht glauben, womit wir es zu tun haben... Halte dich fest, denn wir haben Neuigkeiten! 🤭

American Socks Tour 2023 Poster

Längere Tage, wärmeres Wetter, American Socks bei den besten Festivals in Europa... Das sind die Zeichen, dass der Sommer da ist!🌞 In diesem Jahr werden wir mit unseren Socken 29 Musik- und Sportfestivals in 11 verschiedenen Ländern auf der ganzen WELT genießen! 🌍

Vom "Basket Case" bis zum "Longview" verleihen unsere festivalsicheren Socken deinem Konzertoutfit den besonderen Kick.✨ Vergiss nicht, bei unserem offiziellen Pop-up vorbeizuschauen und dir einen ersten Eindruck von unserer neuen SS2023-Kollektion zu verschaffen.💐

Mann kauft American Socks

Was bleibt noch übrig? Speichere dir diese Termine in deinem Kalender 🗓 und lass deine Füße deinen wilden Geist ausdrücken.
Erwecke mit jedem Schritt punkige Vibes zum Leben! 🎵
🌴26. März - PUNKSPRING 🇯🇵 Japan
🌴28.-30. April - Viña Rock 🇪🇸 Spanien
🌴9.-13. Mai - Rec.0 🇪🇸 Spanien
🌴17.-21. Mai - Fise Montpellier 🇫🇷 Frankreich
🌴19.-20. Mai - Venezia Hardcore 🇮🇹 Italien
🌴26.-28. Mai - Slam Dunk 🇬🇧 Vereinigtes Königreich
🌴26.-30. Mai - Outdoormix 🇫🇷 Frankreich
🌴02.-04. Juni - Slam Dunk 🇮🇹 Italien
🌴02. Juni - Slam Dunk 🇫🇷 Frankreich
🌴02.-04. Juni - Rock am Ring 🇩🇪 Deutschland
🌴02.-04. Juni - Rock im Park 🇩🇪 Deutschland
🌴02.-04. Juni - SBÄM 🇦🇹 Österreich
🌴07.-10. Juni - Nova Rock 🇦🇹 Österreich
🌴08.-11. Juni - Rock for People 🇨🇿 Tschechische Republik
🌴15.-18. Juni - Hellfest 🇫🇷 Frankreich
🌴16.-18. Juni - Graspop 🇧🇪 Belgien
🌴21.-25. Juni - Wheels and Waves 🇫🇷 Frankreich
🌴23.-24. Juni - Download 🇩🇪 Deutschland
🌴23.-25. Juni - Jera On Air 🇳🇱 Niederlande
🌴23.-25. Juni - Rock Imperium 🇪🇸 Spanien
🌴23.-26. Juni - Full Force 🇩🇪 Deutschland
🌴28.-01. Juni - Resurrection 🇪🇸 Spanien
🌴12.-15. Juli - Pirata Beach Festival 🇪🇸 Spanien
🌴15.-23. Juli - XMasters 🇮🇹 Italien
🌴28.-30. Juli - Xtreme 🇫🇷 Frankreich
🌴02.-05. August - Wacken 🇩🇪 Deutschland
🌴04.-06. August - SYLAK 🇫🇷 Frankreich
🌴08.-11. August - Punk Rock Holiday 🇸🇮 Slowenien
🌴14.-17. September - Skate Love 🇪🇸 Spanien

Nega from Los Chikos del Maiz wearing American Socks at Viña Rock

Wie Sie sehen können, haben wir in dieser Saison das Spiel durchbrochen🤟 Wir können es kaum erwarten, euch alle auf dieser großartigen TOUR diesen Sommer zu sehen!🔥🖤
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For the very first time we present a headwear collection with more than 4 different designs and a bucket hat.🤠 Put the cherry on top of your outfit with our...

For the very first time we present a headwear collection with more than 4 different designs and a bucket hat.🤠 Put the cherry on top of your outfit with our new products! 🍒✨


We enter through the big door with this cool paneled cap. With full black and a bold and clean new logo. Fresh and timeless to fit all tastes.⚡️

Guy with an American Socks black panel cap


If you are a little more daring, this colorful paneled cap is the one for you. Give a touch of color to your threats.🎨

Woman with an American Socks colorful panel cap


They say if life gives you lemons make lemonade...🍋 Growing up sucks but it's inevitable and at least we have a cool cap.🤷🏽‍♀️

Man with an American Socks snapback


Keep it classy with our new must-have snapback! The bold black icing on the cake.😋

Woman with an American Socks snapback


The crown jewel👑 Whether for hot summer festivals or long days on the beach on vacation... This bucket hat will follow you everywhere you go.💙

Woman with an American Socks bucket hat

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We rocked it at REC.0 2023!!⚡️
Hey sockers!! This last week has been crazy one! We have been taking part in the REC.0 in Igualada with our pop-up store and it has been awesome. 🤟 For those...

Hey sockers!! This last week has been crazy one! We have been taking part in the REC.0 in Igualada with our pop-up store and it has been awesome. 🤟

For those who may not know, Rec.0 is a fashion and music festival held in Barcelona, Spain. This year's festival took place from May 5th to May 8th, and we were one of the brands that participated.

 American Socks pop-up store at REC.0

The vibe was amazing and the people were very cool. We had a lot o fun with all our customers in our pop-up store and we even had a popcorn machine!🍿 We had the opportunity to start the festival by painting our own mural and it was a blast.

American Socks pop-up store at REC.0

We are very happy with the reception of our new Spring/Summer Collection 🍃🌊, the new t-shirts were a hit! We can't wait to come back and rock it next year. Thank you Rec.0! 

American Socks pop-up store at REC.0 

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Hardcore Punk is a sub-genre of punk rock that emerged in the late 1970s in the United States. In the last decade, the American hardcore punk scene has evolved by...

Hardcore Punk is a sub-genre of punk rock that emerged in the late 1970s in the United States. In the last decade, the American hardcore punk scene has evolved by adopting influences from metal and rap, making it an unmistakably rich and distinctive genre. That's why more and more people are signing up to listen to Hardcore Punk and keeping the scene alive.

The American socks team is in mad love with this style, so we have decided to make a top 10 of the best upcoming American Hardcore Punk bands of the last 10 years. Made with love just for you. ❤️

1. Magnitude (Our favourite!👊🏼)

Magnitude is a hardcore band from Charlotte, North Carolina. They are known for their hard-hitting and intense sound, which draws from both classic hardcore punk and modern metal. Their lyrics often deal with personal struggles and self-improvement, making them a band that many can relate to. 

2. Incendiary

Incendiary is a hardcore band from Long Island, New York. They're known for their intense and energetic live shows, which often feature mosh pits and stage diving. Incendiary's music is a blend of classic hardcore punk and metal, with lyrics that deal with social and political issues such as police brutality and inequality. Their latest album, "Thousand Mile Stare," was released in 2017 and is considered one of the best hardcore punk albums of recent years.

3. Gag

Gag is a hardcore punk band from Olympia, Washington. They're known for their fast-paced and aggressive sound, which draws influence from classic hardcore punk as well as early American punk rock. Their lyrics often deal with personal struggles and social issues, such as poverty, addiction, and political corruption.

4. One Step Closer

One Step Closer is a hardcore band from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. They're known for their melodic and emotional sound, which draws influence from classic punk and emo. Their lyrics often deal with personal struggles and mental health, making them a relatable band to many.

5. Scowl

Scowl is a hardcore band from Richmond, Virginia. They're known for their raw and aggressive sound, which draws influence from classic hardcore punk as well as modern metal. Their lyrics often deal with social and political issues, such as police brutality and government corruption.

6. Sunami

Sunami is a hardcore band from San Francisco, California. Their music is a blend of classic punk and metal, with lyrics that deal with personal struggles and the complexities of human relationships.

7. GEL

GEL is a hardcore band from New York City. They're known for their hard-hitting and energetic sound, which draws influence from classic hardcore punk as well as modern metal. Their lyrics often deal with social and political issues, such as racism and police brutality.

8. Mindforce

Mindforce is a hardcore band from Hudson Valley, New York. Their music is a blend of classic hardcore punk, metal, and thrash, with lyrics that deal with personal struggles and social issues.

9. Knocked Loose

Knocked Loose is a hardcore band from Oldham County, Kentucky. They're known for their aggressive and chaotic sound, which draws influence from classic hardcore punk as well as metalcore. Their lyrics often deal with personal struggles and mental health issues, making them a relatable band to many.

10. Xibalba

Xibalba is a hardcore band from Pomona, California. Their music is a blend of hardcore punk, death metal, and sludge metal, making for a heavy and punishing sound. Their lyrics often deal with the struggles of life in the modern world, such as poverty, addiction, and violence.


We hope you enjoy them, see you at the mosh-pit!🔥

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Step into the new season with our blooming Spring Summer collection of American Socks! Just like the vibrant flowers of spring, our colorful socks will add a pop of color...

Step into the new season with our blooming Spring Summer collection of American Socks! Just like the vibrant flowers of spring, our colorful socks will add a pop of color and energy to your wardrobe. 🌸🌼🌺 Let's make a trip to our new colorful and funny MID HIGH socks! 🐝


If you feel like Peter Pan you should wear them!🧚‍♀️ These socks are a must-have to those who have a young spirit and hey also have the perfect spring combination: yellow and blue. 💛💙

girl wearing american socks mid high in a daisies field 


Inspired by strawberries and spring flowers.🍓🌺 These are the coolest socks for this season. 🌬

American Socks- Mid High New Collection


Wear these soft pink and lilac socks to take to the streets with this powerful message. Make love motherf🕊s! 

Woman wearing new season mid high American Socks in a park


We all should fight the climate change to protect the world and this is our small grain of sand for it♻️

Girl wearing new season of American Socks in a garden


Yee Haw!🤠 Grab your horse and let's go for a ride like real cowboys in these western-inspired socks. 🏜

American Socks- Mid High New Collection
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Once again... This year we are back at REC.0!!🤟😝 Excitement is building as the festival season kicks off, and this year, American Socks is thrilled to announce their participation at...

Once again... This year we are back at REC.0!!🤟😝

Excitement is building as the festival season kicks off, and this year, American Socks is thrilled to announce their participation at the Rec.0 Festival in Igualada from May 10th to 13th.

As usual, American Socks will have a stand at the festival, but this year, we are bringing something extra special to the table. We are inviting performing bands to play live music and will also be creating a stunning live painting mural.

Man buying a pair of American Socks at REC Festival in Igualada

For those unfamiliar with Rec.0, it is a festival that transforms the historic textile district of Igualada into a vibrant and dynamic event space. Over 100 fashion and accessory brands showcase their collections in unique industrial spaces that are open to the public for the duration of the festival.

As a brand that is known for its high-quality, stylish and eco-friendly socks, American Socks is a perfect fit for the Rec.0 Festival. Not only will we be showcasing our latest Spring/Summer Collection, but we will also be offering visitors a chance to see some incredible live music and a mesmerizing mural being created right in front of your eyes.

Man buying a pair of American Socks at REC Festival in Igualada

The live painting mural will be created by a talented artist and will be a focal point of our store. The mural will showcase the brand's values, our commitment to sustainability and their love of music and art. Visitors to the stand will have the opportunity to witness the creation of the mural in real-time and even interact with the artist as they work.

The addition of live music to the American Socks stand is an exciting development that will add an extra level of entertainment to the festival. Visitors will be able to enjoy the latest sounds while perusing the latest sock styles.

Arc de Triomf performing an REC Festival in Igualada


American Socks has always been a brand that is committed to the environment, and this year, we are taking their commitment one step further by using recycled materials to build their stand. This is a clear indication of the brand's ongoing commitment to sustainability and their efforts to minimize their carbon footprint.

The Rec.0 Festival in Igualada is a fantastic event that showcases the very best in fashion, music, and art. We are VERY excited to be part of the event once again and we are looking forward to welcoming visitors to our stand.❤️ With live music, a stunning mural, and a range of eco-friendly sock styles on display, this is an event not to be missed.

People buying a pair of American Socks at REC Festival in Igualada

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We are very excited to finally bring you the new Spring Summer 2023 season from American Socks!🌴 Here you'll find some of the new crazy designs🤟🏼Hope you love them as...

We are very excited to finally bring you the new Spring Summer 2023 season from American Socks!🌴 Here you'll find some of the new crazy designs🤟🏼Hope you love them as much as we do💕


We are off to a strong start with the most punkish version of Our Lady of Guadalupe. 😈 For the unrully and outlawed, here's your perfect pair of socks! 

Guadalupe, a new signature sock from American Socks


Inspired by what we love most: skulls, summer nights, motorbike rides and adrenaline. 🏜 Feel the wind chill on your face but keep your feet warm!

Night Rider, a new signature sock from American Socks


Are you more of a cloud person or a down-to-earth kind of person? No matter! Let your wild, adventurous and spacey side shine through with these socks.☄️

Space Holidays, a new signature sock from American Socks


Get your skeleton moving with the coolest and more party-goers sock of the collection! Being the envy of the party has never been easier.😎

Dancing Skeleton, a new signature sock from American Socks


For caffeine lovers! Your day can't start without YOUR cup of coffee?😵 Would you wear unmatched socks if it wasn't for your coffee?🧦 Then these are made only for you!

Coffee Break, a new signature sock from American Socks


Tiki Surf brings us the relaxed spirit of summer inspired by the mythical Polynesia: surfing, pina coladas, ukuleles, beach, sun... How could it not be our favourite season of the year?🍹🥥🍍

Tiki Surf, a new signature sock from American Socks


Cute but dangerous 😈 There is no meaning behind the design, but we love it!😝

Won't Be Back, a new signature sock from American Socks


We love to cruise the streets on our bikes! Almost as much as we love these socks. 🤭 And we are sure you feel the same way.

Cafe Racer, a new signature sock from American Socks

But that's not all! Stay tuned, we'll soon reveal the others designs👀💕

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American Socks had an incredible time at Viña Rock 2023, where we set up our stand and had a lot of fun interacting with festival-goers and customers. Our team was...

American Socks had an incredible time at Viña Rock 2023, where we set up our stand and had a lot of fun interacting with festival-goers and customers. Our team was thrilled to be a part of such an amazing event and we're excited to share some of our experiences with you!

One of the most memorable moments of the festival was the International standing still jumping competition that we organized. Participants had to jump over a longer distance, and the winners received an amazing pair of our socks as a prize. The competition was a huge hit, and we were thrilled to see so many people taking part and having a great time.

But that's not all! We also had the pleasure of working with several bands who showed a lot of interest in our socks. Some of the bands who bought our socks included Auxili, a band from the Valencian Community, Itaca Band, a band from Catalonia, Bellako, another band from Catalonia, and Sexy Zebras. We were honored to be able to work with such talented musicians, and we're thrilled that they appreciated our products.

One of the most exciting moments of the festival was when Los Chikos del Maiz performed with our socks! It was amazing to see our socks on stage, and we were thrilled that the band was able to incorporate our products into their performance.

In addition to all of this, we also had a special pair of socks designed specifically for Viña Rock 2023. These socks featured an incredible design that was inspired by the festival, and they were a huge hit with festival-goers. We were thrilled to see so many people wearing our special Viña Rock socks, and we're excited to continue creating unique designs for future events.

Overall, our experience at Viña Rock 2023 was absolutely amazing. We had a lot of fun with customers and festival-goers, and we're thrilled to have had the opportunity to work with so many incredible musicians. This is just the beginning of the festival season, and we can't wait to see what the future holds for American Socks!

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Summer is just around the corner, and American Socks has launched an exciting new collection to celebrate the season. The new collection includes 16 new pairs of Signature socks with...

Summer is just around the corner, and American Socks has launched an exciting new collection to celebrate the season. The new collection includes 16 new pairs of Signature socks with unique and fresh designs such as sushi, cats, dogs, and even a punk twist on the Virgin of Guadalupe. The collection also includes five new ankle-high socks with vibrant and summery colors, five new mid-high socks with funny designs, and eight new classic socks with new stripe colors. Additionally, there are eight new knee-high socks with the same colors as the classics.

man and woman wearing american socks t-shirts

One of the most exciting additions to the American Socks summer collection is the new Dancing Skeletons underwear. These playful and colorful boxers feature a matching design to the shirt and one of the signature socks, perfect for a coordinated outfit.

The collection also includes four new t-shirts with unique and fun designs, including a love pizza or die print and a bold and colorful skull design. 

man and woman wearing american socks t-shirts

For those who want to show a little more skin, the collection includes a new black Sport Pants that is both stylish and comfortable. This Shorts pairs perfectly with any of the new socks or T-shirts in the collection.

In addition to socks and clothing, American Socks has also added new accessories to the summer collection. The two new bandanas are perfect for adding a pop of color to any outfit or using as a face mask. The four new caps feature fun and playful colors, while the new bucket hat features a vibrant black with the original skull logo.

man wearing american socks t-shirt

Overall, the American Socks summer collection is filled with unique and playful designs that are perfect for anyone looking to add some fun to their wardrobe this season. The collection is not only stylish but also made with high-quality materials to ensure durability and comfort.

Whether you're looking for a fun and playful pair of socks, a stylish t-shirt, or a bold and colorful accessory, the American Socks summer collection has something for everyone. The variety of designs and colors make it easy to mix and match pieces to create your own unique look that is perfect for the summer season.

woman wearing american socks t-shirt

Plus, with the addition of the Dancing Skeletons underwear, American Socks has expanded their offerings beyond just socks and clothing, showing their commitment to creating a full range of fun and unique apparel and accessories.

So if you're ready to add some excitement and fun to your summer wardrobe, be sure to check out the new collection from American Socks. With so many unique and playful designs to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect pieces to help you stand out in style this season.

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Are you tired of boring socks that lack personality and comfort? Look no further! The all-new American Socks website is here to revolutionize your sock game. With a wide range...

Are you tired of boring socks that lack personality and comfort? Look no further! The all-new American Socks website is here to revolutionize your sock game. With a wide range of unique and stylish socks that are designed for both fashion and function, American Socks is the go-to brand for all your sock needs.

What's New?

The American Socks website has undergone a complete makeover to enhance your shopping experience. With a sleek and user-friendly interface, finding the perfect pair of socks has never been easier. Here are some of the exciting new features that you can expect from the revamped American Socks website:

1.🚀Easy Navigation: The new website is designed with a clean and simple layout, making it easy to browse through the different sock styles, sizes, and colors. You can now easily find what you're looking for with just a few clicks, and the streamlined checkout process ensures a smooth purchasing experience.

2.🆕Updated Product Catalog: American Socks offers a wide variety of sock styles, including crew socks, knee-high socks, ankle socks, and more. The new website showcases their entire product catalog, making it convenient to explore and find the perfect pair of socks that match your personal style.

3.👀High-Quality Product Images: The website features high-resolution product images that give you a clear view of the design, color, and texture of each sock. This helps you make informed purchasing decisions and ensures that you get exactly what you see on the website.

4.✍️Detailed Product Descriptions: The website provides detailed product descriptions for each sock, including information about materials, sizing, and care instructions. This ensures that you know exactly what you're getting and how to take care of your socks to keep them in the best condition.

5.🧦Size Guide: American Socks understands the importance of getting the perfect fit. The website features a comprehensive size guide that helps you find the right size for your feet, ensuring maximum comfort and durability.

6.📲Blog and Social Media Integration: The new website also features a blog section that offers interesting and informative articles about socks, fashion, and lifestyle. Plus, American Socks' social media feeds are integrated into the website, allowing you to stay updated with the latest trends, promotions, and news.

Why Choose American Socks?

American Socks is not your ordinary sock brand. They pride themselves on producing high-quality socks that are not only stylish but also comfortable and durable. Here are some reasons why you should choose American Socks for all your sock needs:

1.🍀Unique Designs: American Socks offers a wide range of eye-catching designs that are sure to turn heads. From vibrant patterns to bold colors, their socks are designed to make a statement and add a touch of personality to your outfit.

2.💪Comfort and Durability: American Socks are made from premium materials, including organic cotton, and are designed for maximum comfort and durability. Their socks feature cushioned soles, reinforced heels and toes, and moisture-wicking properties to keep your feet fresh and dry all day long.

3.♻️Ethical and Sustainable: American Socks is committed to producing socks that are environmentally friendly and socially responsible. Their socks are made using sustainable manufacturing processes and materials, and they are certified by various organizations for their commitment to fair labor practices.

4.👟Versatile Styles: Whether you're into sports, fashion, or just need everyday socks, American Socks has a style for you. From classic stripes to funky designs, their socks cater to various tastes and occasions, making them suitable for all walks of life.

5.🧦Great Value: Despite their premium quality and unique designs, American Socks are reasonably priced, offering great value for your money. Plus, they often have promotions and discounts available , making it even more affordable to upgrade your sock game.

6.🤝Excellent Customer Service: American Socks is dedicated to providing top-notch customer service. Their website offers a seamless shopping experience with easy navigation, detailed product information, and a size guide to help you make the right choice. Their responsive and friendly customer support team is also available to assist you with any inquiries or concerns you may have.

7.🌈Social Impact: When you purchase socks from American Socks, you're not just investing in quality products, but also supporting a brand that gives back. American Socks partners with charitable organizations and supports causes such as mental health awareness, LGBTQ+ rights, and environmental conservation, making a positive impact on the community and the world.

In Conclusion

The new American Socks website is a one-stop destination for quality, comfort, and style. With its user-friendly interface, updated product catalog, high-quality images, detailed descriptions, size guide, blog, and social media integration, it offers a seamless shopping experience. American Socks' unique designs, commitment to comfort, durability, sustainability, and social impact make them the go-to brand for socks that are not only fashionable but also ethical.

So why settle for ordinary socks when you can upgrade your sock game with American Socks? Visit their new website today, explore their diverse range of styles, and step into a world of fashionable and comfortable socks that are sure to make a statement. Your feet deserve the best, and American Socks delivers just that! Shop now and experience the difference.


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Hey there, fellow sock enthusiasts! It's time to put on your favorite pair of American Socks and join us in reliving an epic celebration. Last Thursday, we marked a momentous...

Hey there, fellow sock enthusiasts! It's time to put on your favorite pair of American Socks and join us in reliving an epic celebration. Last Thursday, we marked a momentous occasion as we celebrated the 10th birthday of American Socks with an unforgettable party at Nevermind. It was a fantastic celebration filled with laughter, music, and plenty of sock-inspired fun!

The atmosphere at Nevermind was buzzing with excitement as friends, fans, and supporters of American Socks gathered to commemorate this special milestone. The turnout was incredible, with a sea of familiar faces and new friends joining in the festivities. The energy was electric as we kicked off the party, ready for a night to remember.

One of the highlights of the celebration was the music. With beats that were on fire, the dance floor was packed with people showing off their best moves and grooving to the tunes. The music set the tone for the night and kept us all in high spirits as we danced and celebrated together. It was a perfect soundtrack to an unforgettable celebration.

Of course, no party is complete without delicious treats, and we had plenty to indulge in! There were ice-cold beers to quench our thirst, mouthwatering pizzas to satisfy our hunger, and a scrumptious birthday cake to mark the occasion. It was a feast for the senses as we savored the flavors and enjoyed the company of fellow sock aficionados.

Adding to the excitement, we had a Mario Kart battle, bringing out our competitive sides in a friendly competition. It was a thrilling experience as we raced against each other, vying for the title of Mario Kart champion. The laughter and cheers filled the air, creating memorable moments and friendly rivalries that added an extra layer of fun to the celebration.

But that's not all! One of the highlights of the night was a colorful Piñata. It was a sight to behold as we took turns trying to break it open and collect the stickers, pins and goodies that spilled out. It was a blast watching everyone take a swing at the Piñata, and the joy on their faces as they collected their loot was priceless. It was a unique and fun-filled addition to the celebration that brought smiles to everyone's faces.

As the night went on, we took a moment to reflect on the journey of American Socks over the past decade. From our humble beginnings to becoming a beloved brand in the world of socks, it has been an incredible ride. We expressed our gratitude to all our loyal customers, supporters, and our dedicated team who have been with us every step of the way. It was a time to cherish the memories and celebrate the achievements of the past ten years, and to look forward to the exciting future ahead.

The party continued late into the night, with the celebration in full swing. It was a true testament to the sense of community and camaraderie that has been built around American Socks. We were overwhelmed with joy and gratitude as we celebrated with our beloved sock community, and we couldn't have asked for a better way to mark our 10th birthday.

As the festivities came to a close, there was a sense of fulfillment and appreciation in the air. It was a birthday celebration that will be cherished in our hearts for years to come, and a reminder of the incredible support and love we have received from our amazing community of sock lovers.

To all our customers, supporters, and friends, thank you for being a part of the American Socks journey. Your unwavering support and enthusiasm have been the driving force behind our success, and we are grateful for each and every one of you. Here's to another decade of spreading sock love and creating more unforgettable memories together.

Cheers to 10 years of American Socks, and here's to many more sock-tastic celebrations!🎉🧦

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AS goes to RIDE AGAIN in Korea🏍️⚡
On the 2nd of April, the fashion-forward brand American Socks revved up their style game at a thrilling event held at the largest motorcycle rider cafe in Korea. Located in...

On the 2nd of April, the fashion-forward brand American Socks revved up their style game at a thrilling event held at the largest motorcycle rider cafe in Korea. Located in an area bustling with famous clothing brands, this event was a magnet for fashion enthusiasts and motorcycle riders alike. With a high turnout of visitors, the event, which lasted from noon to 9 p.m., was a roaring success, with American Socks selling about 80 pairs of their unique and trendy socks.

American Socks is known for their commitment to quality, comfort, and style. Their socks are made with premium materials and designed to make a fashion statement. With a wide range of options, from classic stripes to bold patterns, American Socks offers something for everyone who wants to express their individuality through their sock game. And the event at the motorcycle rider cafe was the perfect platform for the brand to showcase their unique socks and connect with their target audience.

The American Socks booth at the event was a sight to behold. Adorned with banners featuring their iconic sock designs, it was hard to miss. The enthusiastic staff engaged with visitors, sharing the brand's story and showcasing the different sock styles available. Many visitors were drawn to the brand's bold and edgy aesthetic, and were eager to try on and purchase their favorite pairs. The booth quickly became a buzzing hub of activity, with sock enthusiasts and motorcycle riders stopping by to check out the stylish offerings from American Socks.

The event was not just about selling socks, but also about building connections with the community. Motorcycle riders from all walks of life, including seasoned riders and newcomers, gathered at the event, creating a vibrant and diverse atmosphere. American Socks was able to engage with this community, sharing their passion for fashion and motorcycles. Many riders were excited to find socks that matched their unique style and added an extra flair to their motorcycle gear.

The success of American Socks at the event can be attributed not only to their trendy designs, but also to their commitment to customer satisfaction. The brand's focus on quality and comfort resonated with visitors, and their friendly and approachable staff made the shopping experience enjoyable and memorable. The positive word-of-mouth generated from the event is sure to boost the brand's reputation and expand their customer base in Korea's fashion and motorcycle communities.

As the day turned into night, and the event drew to a close, the team at American Socks was thrilled with the response they received. The event was a resounding success, with a significant number of socks sold and connections made with motorcycle riders and fashion enthusiasts alike. The brand's unique and edgy socks were a hit among the visitors, and American Socks left a lasting impression with their stylish offerings and exceptional customer service.

In conclusion, American Socks made a stylish splash at the largest motorcycle rider cafe in Korea. Their trendy designs, commitment to quality, and exceptional customer service left a mark on the event, and the brand's socks were a popular choice among visitors. American Socks continues to be a go-to brand for those who want to cruise in style and express their individuality through their sock game. So, rev up your style with American Socks and make a fashion statement that stands out from the crowd.

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We are thrilled to announce that American Socks, the iconic sock store located in the heart of Barcelona, is celebrating its 10th birthday! It's been a decade of creativity, innovation,...

We are thrilled to announce that American Socks, the iconic sock store located in the heart of Barcelona, is celebrating its 10th birthday! It's been a decade of creativity, innovation, and impact, and to commemorate this special occasion, we have unveiled a stunning wall mural in our store that encapsulates our brand's journey and unique style.

At American Socks, we've always been at the forefront of sock fashion, pushing boundaries and challenging the traditional notions of what socks can be. Since our opening in 2013, we've been known for our funky and colorful designs, high-quality materials, and commitment to sustainability. Over the years, we've garnered a loyal following of customers who appreciate our bold and daring approach to sock design.

To mark our 10th anniversary, we wanted to create something truly special - a wall mural that reflects our brand's values, history, and impact on the fashion scene in Barcelona. The mural, located inside our store, is a celebration of sustainability, which is a core value of American Socks. We are committed to using environmentally friendly materials and processes in the production of our socks, and we wanted the mural to reflect this commitment. 

Our customers are at the heart of everything we do, and we wanted to include them in the mural as well. The mural also pays homage to our passions - socks, skateboarding, pizza, and music - which have been integral to our brand's identity since day one. These elements are intricately woven into the artwork, representing our love for self-expression, creativity, and the unique lifestyle that American Socks embodies.

As we enter our second decade, we are more committed than ever to continue pushing the boundaries of sock fashion, embracing creativity, and being a leader in sustainability. The wall mural stands as a symbol of our journey and our unwavering dedication to style, sustainability, and community. We are immensely grateful for the love and support we've received from our customers and fans, and we can't wait to embark on the next chapter of our story.

If you're ever in Barcelona, we invite you to visit the American Socks store to see the breathtaking wall mural and experience our unique fashion revolution firsthand. Here's to celebrating 10 years of style, creativity, and making a statement with socks! Thank you for being a part of our journey. Cheers to many more years of rocking the sock game! Happy 10th birthday, American Socks!

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Hello, sock lovers and fans of American Socks! We have some exciting news to share with you all. The iconic sock brand is turning 10, and we're throwing a birthday...

Hello, sock lovers and fans of American Socks! We have some exciting news to share with you all. The iconic sock brand is turning 10, and we're throwing a birthday party to remember! On Thursday, April 20th, we'll be celebrating our milestone anniversary at the trendy Nevermind Pub in Barcelona, and we want all the people who have been a part of our journey to join us for this special occasion.

The party will kick off at 20:00 and will be a night of fun, music, and good vibes. Nevermind Pub, known for its cool and laid-back atmosphere, is the perfect venue to celebrate our brand's unique style and personality. Located in the heart of Barcelona, it's easily accessible for everyone to join in the festivities.

At our 10th birthday bash, you can expect a night filled with excitement and fun. We'll have free pizza and free beer for all guests to enjoy, so you can indulge in some delicious treats and raise a glass to our decade of success. In addition, we'll have beer pong, a gaming zone, and other games to keep the energy high and the good times rolling. You can also groove to the beats of our DJ, who will be spinning some awesome tunes throughout the night.

But that's not all! We'll also have special giveaways, including limited-edition American Socks merchandise, so you can take home some exclusive swag as a memento of this momentous occasion. It's our way of saying thank you for your continued support and making our brand what it is today.

As we celebrate this milestone, we want to express our deepest gratitude to all the people who have been a part of our American Socks community. From our hardworking team who has poured their heart and soul into making our brand a success, to our models who have brought our socks to life on the runway, to our friends and fans who have supported us every step of the way - we wouldn't be here without you. This birthday party is our way of saying thank you and showing our appreciation for your unwavering support.

Don't forget to follow us on social media and stay tuned for more updates and announcements leading up to the big day. We'll be sharing sneak peeks and exciting details, so you won't want to miss a moment of the celebration.

Join us in Barcelona on Thursday, April 20th, as we toast to a decade of style, innovation, and sock love at American Socks' 10th birthday party. We can't wait to see all of you there, and here's to many more years of rocking awesome socks together! Cheers!

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Win a 250€ Gift Card. Join our Newsletter!
Win a 250€ gift card at! Love our socks? We're giving away a 250€ gift card to one lucky winner. Just sign up for our newsletter before May 30,...

Win a 250€ gift card at!

Love our socks? We're giving away a 250€ gift card to one lucky winner. Just sign up for our newsletter before May 30, 2023, to enter. It's free and you'll get exclusive updates on new collections, sales, and more.

  • The sweepstakes are open to all individuals over the age of 18 who reside in Europe.
  • The sweepstakes begin on March 16, 2023, and end on May 30, 2023, at 11:59 p.m.
  • To participate in the sweepstakes and have a chance to win, participants must subscribe to the American Socks newsletter on their official website.
  • Subscription is free and must be completed before the sweepstakes closing date.
  • By subscribing, participants give their consent to receive email notifications related to the sweepstakes and future marketing communications from American Socks.
  • Only one entry per person will be allowed. The winner will be randomly selected using an online drawing tool on May 31, 2023.
  • The winner will be notified by private message through the American Socks Facebook or Instagram account.
  • The winner must respond to the notification message within the following five business days; otherwise, another winner will be selected.
  • The prize consists of a €250 check redeemable for American Socks products in the online store.
  • The prize is not transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash. By participating in the sweepstakes, participants accept these rules and authorize American Socks to use their names on social media in case they are winners.

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    AS goes to Punk Spring⚡️
    ⚡️Fresh news!⚡️This Saturday 25th American Socks goes on tour to PunkSpring 2023 in Tokyo, Japan!     We will be bringing our Punk-Rock attitude straight to one of the biggest...

    ⚡️Fresh news!⚡️
    This Saturday 25th American Socks goes on tour to PunkSpring 2023 in Tokyo, Japan!



    We will be bringing our Punk-Rock attitude straight to one of the biggest Rock Shops of the country capital.🎸
    Visit us to check out the newest collection and remember... if you say "Hi" to our crew, you will get free stickers.

    Can't wait to see you there!👋



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    Saint Patrick's Day is a holiday celebrated annually on March 17th in honor of the patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick. While it is a national holiday in Ireland, it...

    Saint Patrick's Day is a holiday celebrated annually on March 17th in honor of the patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick. While it is a national holiday in Ireland, it has become a popular celebration in many parts of the world, particularly in the United States.

    The holiday's origins can be traced back to the early 17th century when Saint Patrick's Day became an official feast day in the Catholic Church. Over time, the holiday evolved into a celebration of Irish heritage and culture. Today, people around the world celebrate Saint Patrick's Day with parades, parties, and events that include traditional Irish food, music, and dancing.

    One of the most recognizable symbols of Saint Patrick's Day is the shamrock, which is said to have been used by Saint Patrick to explain the Holy Trinity to the Irish people. Another popular symbol is the leprechaun, a mischievous fairy from Irish folklore who is often depicted wearing green and hiding pots of gold at the end of rainbows.

    In Ireland, Saint Patrick's Day is a national holiday, and many people attend mass or participate in local parades. In the United States, the holiday is celebrated with large-scale parades in cities such as New York, Chicago, and Boston, where Irish immigrants have had a significant influence on the culture.

    One of the most famous aspects of Saint Patrick's Day is the consumption of traditional Irish drinks, such as Guinness and Irish whiskey. Many bars and restaurants offer special St. Patrick's Day-themed drinks, including green beer and cocktails made with Irish ingredients such as Bailey's Irish Cream.

    And not to be outdone, we offer you today a very special St. Patrick's Day-themed socks to give your outfit a special green glow!

    • Black Pearl

    • Love Everyone

    • Papaya

    • Ghostbusters - Mid High and Knee High

     Happy Saint Patrick's Day!🍀🍻

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