I've been there. I know how it feels to be an artist or an athlete trying to get attention from audience, media, festivals or brands. You have been working hard to get that trick right or to build a fanbase while struggling to pay your bills and succeeding in a world full of super talented competition. Few get close to the top and you definitely want to get noticed.
Endorsements and sponsor deals are what you need to climb a step up: Getting related to big companies, gives your talent credibility, awareness and exposure.
You also get free stuff. Wait, were you thinking only about the free stuff?
Here are some messages we got lately on Instagram, clearly lacking of information or communication perspective. Nice examples of...

Before anything: Do you think you are eligible for an endorsement? Brands are looking for hard working artists or athletes with impact and capacity to grow overtime. Not everybody is suitable.
N00bs: If you just started few months ago, focus on improving and don't waste someone's time with your first video or demo. Save the contact and come back when you have something interesting.
Projection: Do you have future plans? Tours, releases or performances are crucial for your career and prove your tenacity. Are you a lazy lad looking for free stuff? Forget it.
Big Names: Is there anyone backing you up already?
Sending over messages like "Do You Spons?" or "I really need some socks for skating" is pretty lame and with a high deficit of information, intention or interest. If you want to send over a proposal and you want to be taken seriously take some time and read below.
Find the right person to send it to. Writing on the Facebook page or Instagram profile won't take you anywhere. Use e-mail. Investigate through the internet and find the right person to contact. A info@corporatemail.com address probably won't help you, go get a specific name and e-mail address.Redact a decent e-mail. The reader does not want to decode your message. Be direct and specific, use the gramatical rules you learnt at school. Brief > Long. Keep it easy.
Write down a biography. A short biography is more than enough. You don't need to send over your full history since you were born. 90% of readers will only read the first 3 lines of text. Don't forget about listing your milestones and achievements. If you've got a printable PDF attach it!
Mention your goals. What are your dreams? Where you want to reach? How many time to you spend every week working to get there? A brand wants to endorse people with talent and grounding for a bright future. Don't go too far inflating, the reader will know if you're lying.
What can you offer? Why are you the one they are looking for? Having a strong following and influence on social media will help to bring reader's attention and consider a collaboration. Nowadays Facebook and Instagram pages are essential. Can you insert their logo on your gear, posters and tag them at anything you post...mention so!
Affinity: Are you already a usual customer of the brand? Mention it! This will give you loads of points of getting a discount code or maybe a full sponsoring deal.
High Quality Pictures. Insert some professional shots. The more epic the pictures are, the more likely you're getting the endorsement. DON'T attach mobile phone pictures or videos.
Insert links. Do you have a website, a video or an interesting social media page? It's always best to get those together.
Follow up. No answer? Don't stress. Many times the message gets lost in the inbox and a simple follow up will assure you get your answer, positive or negative.